After a long day tiring work or hectic schedule, one wants a peaceful, cosy and uninterrupted sleep or time in the bedroom. Have you ever taken into account that you don’t lie down on your bed as soon as you inter in your room. You read some books, talk with your partner, or simply sit and have some me time? For all that, what one requires? Yes! You heard it right, a nice and comfortable headboard. A beautiful and comfortable headboard is one of the most important and most understated accessories at the same time that has your back.

We are not denying that a designer bed cannot helps you to transform your bedroom into a great and comfortable place altogether. We are saying that even a very tiny alteration in your room can bring great and eye-catching change to your bedroom, all you just need to invest in a product that complements your already beautiful interiors. Using a good quality headboard might make your space more than just a place to sleep and rest.

Let us dig into some history of headboards to gain the knowledge that how they came to be an essentially beautiful and eye-catching bedroom design accessory today. Headboards were used as a decorative element for the regal bedroom design in ancient Egypt. But Romans had a more practical use of headboards, that is to keep out cold from the walls and get some warmth and cosiness. Today, we combined both the uses and evolved headboard design and its use into what we see now.

All Casa De Lux Headboards are made by hand using the best quality and sustainable materials.

Each piece passes through 9 different skilled technicians and through 4 separate production units in order to achieve the exceptional standards of quality that is synonymous with Casa de Lux.

While you decide over the headboard design you are thinking to choose for your bedroom, get in touch with our team at Casadelux to help you design a practical and aesthetic headboard. We’re just a call away!

Call us today: 01923 517737 or visit our website: www.casadelux.co.uk